Tuesday, December 19, 2006

This is Liz and me at the Christmas banquet for foreigners in Guiyang. Just so you know, my head isn't actually that much bigger than hers--it's just a bad angle, but you've gotta take what you can get when you are doing self-portraits.

Anyway, Liz and I went to Guiyang Saturday afternoon and came back Sunday afternoon. On our bus ride there, we almost killed about 20 construction workers. We'd speed up, almost hit one, slam on the brakes, then speed up again. The bus driver also thought it'd be fun to weave in and out of the cones on the highway. When we got into town, there was traffic like crazy. We finally got to the bus station and tried to remember which bus to take to Wal-Mart where we were meeting Kara. We were pretty sure it was bus 24, but we weren't sure which direction to take it.

We decided to take a taxi. That was a fabulous idea. We got in and told the driver "Wal-Mart." We drove for awhile and he kept pointing out the window, but there were two buses next to us. We couldn't figure out if he was pointing to the ad for baby formula on the side of the bus or what. Did they sell that baby formula at Walmart? We finally figured out that he was actually pointing to Walmart, but it was the wrong one. We told him we didn't want that one and that we needed to go to the other one. The whole way to the other Walmart, the taxi driver sang, "Walmart, Walmart, Walmart, Walmart," except it was more like, "Warmart, Warmart, Warmart, Warmart." We gave that taxi driver a whole extra yuan for the entertainment.

Walmart was totally packed. It was way worse than Walmarts in the States. We bought our tuna, peanut butter, and Ritz crackers and left asap.

Sunday morning, we went to the Christmas service and then ate lunch at the hotel. It was a buffet and we had a salad bar and forks and everything! Salad in China is pretty much unheard of, so that was exciting.

Also on the exciting news front, I found Pringles at the Wang Ke Long yesterday! They're kind of expensive (13 yuan) but not prohibitively so. I have Pringles, this is the last week of classes before finasl...it's gonna be a good week.


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