Monday, February 05, 2007

Well, my time in America is almost over. Colorado has been unusually snowy--it has snowed every weekend I have been here with the exception of this last weekend. The time has gone unbelievably fast. I go back and forth between dreading my return to China and looking forward to it. It's been great to be at home and be taken care of, but I'm ready to be a big girl again and live in my own apartment with my own (sort of) furniture and my dozens of movies and tv shows :)

During my time in the States, I have eaten, spent some quality time at the doctor's office, eaten, lazed around the house, eaten, spent time with friends and family, and eaten. Life in America is so much easier than life in China, but life in China is definitely more adventurous. I miss buying movies for $1 and walking around town. I miss seeing water buffalo and, oddly enough, I really miss the food. Who knew?

I will leave Denver Thursday evening. After 15 hours of flying, I will arrive in Beijing and spend four days there. After that, we will hopefully be able to buy train tickets back to Guiyang before Chinese New Year. If we can't get on the train before the new year which is February 18, we'll probably be stuck in Beijing an extra 5 or 6 days, which isn't exactly what I'm hoping for. If we do make the train, it'll be 29 hours, hopefully in a sleeper car, a 2-hour bus ride, and then a taxi back to school. I'm quite sure it'll be an experience if nothing else! School begins March 5, so I will use my two weeks of down time to try to form some idea of what the heck I'll be teaching this semester, and hopefully I'll be able to track down the textbook for the literature class that I'll be teaching. I'll also spend a lot of time cleaning my house, since I didn't exactly do a stellar job before I left.

I am now going to attempt to contribute to the economy now by buying pants that fit. Wish me luck!